
Maxima 5.47.0 Algebra tool for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Maxima Abstract:

Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, sets, lists, vectors, matrices and tensors. It is a free and open source function plotting application that's straightforward, light on system resources and advanced.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Algebra on computer - Screenshot of Maxima
Algebra on computer.
Screenshot of Maxima - 2339px · 1607px
Maxima: User interface - Screenshot of Maxima
Maxima: User interface.
Screenshot of Maxima - 2339px · 1607px
Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
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Maxima screenshot
Screenshot of Maxima -
Size: 1793px · 1768px